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What do you expect from this year, your school, your friends, your family, and your teacher? 

31 Responses
  1. Anónimo Says:

    i expect fron this year for me and my friends a year with gtrat notes and have fun with them and have so much activities , with may family have more comunication and more fun and with my teachers have nice relationship with them.

    Roselyn Gonzalez

  2. Anónimo Says:

    Well, respecting to school I expect to improve in my classes.
    I also want to become a good friend with all in Second Grade A. In my family, I hope we can make a trip so we can share each other's adventures. (:

    Andrea Barrios 2A

  3. Anónimo Says:

    well first i think that this would be an awsome year ,i like all my classmates they are great persons , i expect to win all my classes and i know that this year can be the best so i´m expecting the best of it

    Paulette Orellana 8th A

  4. Anónimo Says:

    Dear Parents:
    This year I want to be a best person, and I want to have a best scores in all my classes, I want to be a responsable person, and don't talk to much with my friends when the teacher is explain something and pay attention.

    Paula Klingenfuss

  5. Anónimo Says:

    Actually i Expect a lot of things but i really want to practice the piano. Be a person not too agresive because you hurt people by your words or actions and that sucks, and well i want to be a good student.

    Nadia Estrada.

  6. Anónimo Says:

    My expectation for this year is win all my classes, make new friends, i want to have excellents grades better than last year and have a very nice relationship with my new teachers and with the new girls.

  7. Anónimo Says:

    well my expectations for this year is to have better grades,to practice more sports and also to make new friends.

    Mariafernanda Alcas

  8. Anónimo Says:

    My expectations of this year are:
    * To learn another language like the french, do more friends in the school and another important thing is that i don´t want to be shy. i want to travel to another country like United States and visit my grandma because i miss her.

    Meilyn :)

  9. Anónimo Says:

    I expect of my school that is a new year have differents things, we make more friends or new friend of our new class, my family put happy because i am in a new grade, and my teacher than are soo differents new and most are good.

    Sthefany Abadío

  10. Anónimo Says:

    i just wanna win all my clases and also i want to be a good person whit all my teachers and my friends in the class.
    and the last one is that i want to be more responsable.

    fatima camposano albanez

  11. Anónimo Says:

    My expectatives from this year are to have good grades, make more friends, be more polite and responsable, Ijust hate the problems so I dont want any at all.

    Nalu Albizures :3

  12. Anónimo Says:

    My spectatatives in this year is that: I will be a good student of all my classes and be a positve girl, i do a responsable girl, a good friend with all my friends....

    Tannia lopez

  13. Anónimo Says:

    Well, I want to improve in my clases, to have a lot of frined in class because they are some news. I want to be a good person to be always with God because is the center of my life also my family and friends.

    Ana Lorena Fajardo.

  14. Anónimo Says:

    My expect to this year is to have a better notes and practice a sport,

  15. Anónimo Says:

    My expectations about this years is that I want to win all of my classes,I want to learn a lot of things releated to math because i'm good at it and I also want to have new friends bacause i'm really friendly actually.

    Jessica Romero

  16. Anónimo Says:

    I hope this year I have the oportunity to make new friends, and be a better student and more responsable. I also hope in the class we can have a good relation ship, so as a group we all create some nice memories for the future...

    Daniela Corzantes E.

  17. Anónimo Says:

    My expect in this year are to be a better student, do more sport like to basketball, lear more thinks and with my family do more think whit they.

    Andrea Cruz

  18. Anónimo Says:

    My expectation for this year is win all my classes, make new friends, i want to have excellents grades better than last year and have a very nice relationship with my new teachers and with the new girls.

    Melany (:

  19. Anónimo Says:

    For this year I want to win all the clasess be a lot of time with my family, be a good person and also a good friend, and of the teachers I spect all their good intentions.

    Ingrid Andrea Garcia

  20. Anónimo Says:

    Hello! This is a great advance that the technology have. And I think that this a great idea to comunicate with oder people, and I think to that in here the people can express yourself. :)

    Luisa Mollinedo

  21. Anónimo Says:

    Well this year I want to be better in my grade,be a good estudent
    also I want to practice more my english and learn other language
    like french.

    jhoseline arriola

  22. Anónimo Says:

    My expectation for this year is that I want to win all the classes,make new friends,and be a responsable girl.

    Karla Rodríguez.

  23. Anónimo Says:

    ¿What I expect?
    I expect that this year I can be a better student,I expect that I can learn many things and I start this year happy and I wish that this class be happy and funny

    Melissa Cruz.

  24. Anónimo Says:

    i expect from this year for me and my family a year with grate notes and have fun with them and have much activities , with my family have more comunication and more fun

    roselyn gonzalez (correction)

  25. Anónimo Says:

    this year I will be responsable and give to my teachers all my homeworks, I will de a good student,daughter and fiend. I wanna be happy and have fun with my family.

    katerin lopez

  26. Anónimo Says:

    this year i expect to have great notes & be a better person,
    at same way I want to known more people, & the most important is that i want to have a better relation with God

    gaby chang

  27. Anónimo Says:

    The expect for this year is to be a better student. And have good notes

    Maria Daniela Cifuentes

  28. Anónimo Says:

    My expect to this year is to have a good notes, practice a sport, not to be negative and be positive,

    Andrea Pinto

  29. Anónimo Says:

    My spects from this year in my school is good notes,speaking in my class and speaking in english with my friends is demostrate love,with my family is less more time in a computer and my teachers, speaking.

    Elisa Castellanos

  30. Anónimo Says:

    I hope this year have good notes,give all mi homeworks, be more resposable and be a better person.

    Maria Rene González
    8th B

  31. Anónimo Says:

    my expect of this year is have good grades and i would like to learn another leanguage

    jessica guerra