Women's Suffrage Documentary - 8th B

1. Write a 30-word opinion about this video.
2. Choose 3 words you didn't understand. Write definition and a sentence.

28 Responses
  1. Anónimo Says:

    This video is about how the woman fights to have all the rights that deserve because they know that in the life they could do something more and that they are totally equal., and no matter what the situation they don’t give up never, and for that effort of the woman, in this time has the roll in the society that has.
    gain:resources or advantage acquired or increased../The medication can cause nausea and weight gain.
    stuggle: to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition../They struggled for the right to vote.
    workforce:the workers engaged in a specific activity or enterprise../We have a workforce of 2,400 people.
    stephanie vallecillo

  2. Maria rene reyes Says:

    This video demostrate how the woman can not have liberty in a lot of things,later this change and the woman can do more things and express them selfs.

  3. Anónimo Says:

    the womas are a important peoples in the society they have a lot of values the womas are verry importan because they have to me treated the same that the mens

    alejandra barquero
    8th B

  4. Anónimo Says:

    I think women play a really important part in our society and a lot of what we have acomplish is because of women. I think we all are children of God and that make us all equal and just as capable of acomplish our goals. I am glad we now have women`s suffrage and obligated to just accept men doing the desitions for us.

    Wages: a payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis.
    affairs: Something done or to be done.
    mere:Being nothing more than what is specified

  5. Anónimo Says:

    this video is impresionant beacuse demostrate that the womens doesnt vote in this time and she´s demostrate to the people that have the same rights for the man´s .

    husbands:Is a male to participate in a married

    Erla Porres
    2do b

  6. Anónimo Says:

    In this video we can see how America and also the world had changed since woman's suffrage started,some womans that had changed the world by their actions and helping others to have a better life, also all of the things they had to do and all of the time they had to wait for allowing womans to vote,take different decitions, and be treated as equals,for me it is interesting to see how much womens had advanced in their jobs and the laboral life. (:

    Claudia Marroquín
    8th grade B

  7. Anónimo Says:

    The womens suffrage:
    Some many womens in this world making a change in our lifes. This video for me is about how the womens change the suffrage its realistic how womens with only a single words changes the ways of thinking of every single man. Every women for me is the best thing that God make(:
    Isis Morales
    8th B

  8. Anónimo Says:

    Women from the unite states of america didn't have the rights like men had,women didn't have the right of their own person of liberty they didn't have the right to vote.
    they were good for cooking cleaning and prividing for their family. women right stared on the east cost wre women didn't have the richt to vote.
    in the 1820's Francis wrote 2 books of her opinion about women rights. after they got married they couldn't go any where without their housbands.
    Daniela Garcia-Salas

  9. Anónimo Says:

    Daniela Alvarado
    8th B

    I think that the video is important because its helps to be positive and look that we are important for the society.
    Maintain: to sustain against opposition or danger.
    Marriage: the mutual relation of married persons.

  10. Anónimo Says:

    I have descrimineit the womens in America. the womens have liberty because hay had vot bicause is de veri important the liberty the wemens. the womens superlati in the educeson in de hause and the school, is a moral not matirial, the womens struggle for equality for bi important. american has dramatical.
    velvet morales 8th B

  11. Anónimo Says:

    I think that is don´t fear that the men don´t want that the women vote just because she have to clean,cook,take care from the childrens, and ocupe from herselfs.

    Adriana Castañeda 8th. "B"

  12. Anónimo Says:

    Women’s rights: The women’s of united America didn´t have the same equality they are discriminating for the men’s. Their are good for cook and occupied of this family, they didn’t have the right to vote. In 1820 Francis read 2 book of the suffrage of women’s in that time. The books have more of opinions, the president that was in that time no helps that women’s. The women’s are an object of beauty they can not’ talk in public and they can not’ travel alone. One of that women’s that has in suffrage they open a society of help people and stop the suffrage in women’s. Some of the women are that help the suffrage was orpha, Angelina Jolie ect.
    Ximena Garcia

  13. Anónimo Says:

    Women´s Suffrage Documentary: In this video we can watch how women did for have the right to vote, they can not do nothing before this, now we can do it.

    Gaby Nufio

  14. Anónimo Says:

    All the womans have a importance in the life like the mens,they only was important to cooked ; before they didn´t know that and think that only important the mens.

    Maria Fernanda Rodriguez
    8th B

  15. Anónimo Says:

    I think that if women hadn´t fought as they did maybe we wouldn’t be available to vote now and we weren´t be available to do any work we want to.
    Purse: A small bag or pouch for carrying money.
    That women had a nice purse.
    wages: Payment for labor or services to a worker, especially remuneration on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis or by the piece.
    susan esa
    radical:Favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions.
    Sofia Raquel Galicia Cuyun
    "do b

  16. Anónimo Says:

    Women were not previously someone and make a housewife. The woman was nota appreciated and they had no say. Men taken any decision.
    The women had to wait long to take the initiative to manifest and be .

    Adriana Jovita Ortiz
    2 B

  17. Anónimo Says:

    My opinion for this documentary ir very importan and interesting because the women's have a liberty of the opinion, and the men's shoul respect this opinion's and don't discrimitaed because we are equal.

    Half: One of two equal parts that together constitute a whole.
    Greatness: Early genius is like a cabbage
    Upon: another word for on

    Karen Maribel Fión Carrera
    8th B

  18. Anónimo Says:

    Its incredible how the women fighted for their freedom, they never gave up. Since the woman's right was approved, everything change not only in America, also in other countries.

    Citizen: A native or naturalized member of a region or nation.
    -I'm a Guatemalan citizen

    Wage: Payment for labor or services to a worker.

    Valerie Argueta

  19. Anónimo Says:

    I cannot believe that the womens were not allow to vote,or have rigths, and I thanks God that now we have the rigth to do all of the things that the womens in the past didn`t have.


    Andrea Cordón 8th "B"

  20. Anónimo Says:

    This viedo is about how the woman struggle for their rights and for vote, I think that they were very important in the history.
    maintain: To affirm; to support or defend by argument.
    I will maintain the rights.
    struggle: an energetic attempt to achieve something.
    They struggle for they rights.
    affairs: that which is done.
    I have affairs to do.

    Jenifer HIdalgo

  21. Anónimo Says:

    the video is talking about the suffrage, inthe 1900 the womens only have to take clean the house and take care of her childrens, they didn't have the opportunity to vote, but after the womens take groups and go in the streets to protest but they didn't take only a opportunity but all the time they protest to vote. America wouln't be the same if they don't take lidership.
    jennifer Lima

  22. Anónimo Says:

    The woman’s in the past didn’t have freedom, she had to staid in your houses working, she can’t vote.
    And now women’s struggle for equality has forever impacted, and all are changed, we have more liberty.
    -Pursuing:to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.
    Woman's in the past had been puirsuing.
    Leslie Nuñez

  23. Anónimo Says:

    In the past the womens suffrege a lot, because they don't has been own property. When they marriage the mens used to clean, cook, and they were used to be obedients.

  24. Anónimo Says:

    That before the woman didn't have education. The women ask freedom to the world because ins't a crime, all the woman and man have the same liberty to do the things because God created equal at all.

    -Definition and sentence:

    Katherine Samayoa
    8th "B"

  25. Anónimo Says:

    I think women play a really important part in our society and a lot of what we have acomplish is because of women. I think we all are children of God and that make us all equal and just as capable of acomplish our goals. I am glad we now have women`s suffrage and obligated to just accept men doing the desitions for us.

    Wages: a payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis.
    affairs: Something done or to be done.
    mere:Being nothing more than what is specified
    Melissa Duarte

  26. Anónimo Says:

    This video shows that women in the times of before, doesnt have the right of suffrage and for years they wanted the liberty, they also wanted to have an employ.
    affairs:a procedure, action, or occasion only vaguely specified
    I have to affir to a job.
    maintain: to keep an existing state.
    I dontr to maintain.
    purse:a small bag for money
    i have a purse

    Ana Lucias CArcamo
    8th B

  27. Anónimo Says:

    first, i think that the womens dont have a good life in hte pass, maybe they suffer, they can not have a work their were no important and thaks for the womens that give their best we can vote.

    treated:To act or behave in a specified manner toward.

    ana Barrios#5
    basico b

  28. Anónimo Says:

    Was a revolution for the womens thaks to that we have the right of suffrage and more,but in other country the womes are less that mens! :)
    att: diana pinto 2B